
Social Innovation

  • Smart Donor

    The number of new donors of a young age represents a decisive criticality for the future of blood supply. The lack of a real generational exchange of blood donors, as well as the growth of transfusion needs, will produce in the short-medium term a serious problem for the maintenance of self-sufficiency levels.


    Promoted by MIUR within the National Operational Programme for Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation, the project intends to evaluate the city of Corleone and to develop new forms of smart tourism through the creation of areproducible system of access to cultural goods.

  • S2 MOVE: Smart and Social Move

    S2-Move proposes a new concept of smart mobility which allows citizens tomove better to live better. The idea is to create a network of citizens who, by making use of ICT technology, can exchange data and information to make effective decisions in a more aware manner.


    The issue of the energy efficiency of buildings has now assumed central importance in the debate on energy policies in the most industrialised countries. One of the possible technological solutions to improve energy consumption in buildings is represented by the use of intelligent and integrated systems of management, monitoring and automation capable of regulating in real time the functions of the building, considering all the interactions and optimising the services according to fixed criteria and able to be refined over time. Smart buildings represent the technology of the future: they are automated, interactive and connected to networks.

  • Social Business Amplifier project

    The project, conceived by nine young engineers from Taranto, has as its objective the creation of a web platform aimed at incentivising the convergence of job seeking and job offers and at promoting the exchange and creation of entrepreneurial ideas.

  • AD-PERSONAS: A Customisable Distributed Platform based on Body Sensor Networks for Pervasive and Continuous Monitoring of Assisted Individuals

    The aim of the project is to develop an open platform for the continuous monitoring of vital signs of the beneficiary.

  • MUOVITY - Palermo. Smart mobility for intelligent communities

    Muovity is a social network for sustainable transportation focused primarily on a carpooling service. Sharing private cars amongst users travelling on the same routes is an ideal solution to address the increasingly pressing problems of urban transport, the cost of fuel, the need to reduce the impact of emissions and lengthy travel times, and the inefficiency of public transport.

  • Rel@zioni Reti e azioni con gli anziani

    The Project aims to evaluate and integrate elderly people in the dynamics of the social fabric of the territory of reference, the basin of the ex ASL n. 6 of Lamezia Terme, at the same time making it possible for them to be involved in socio-cultural activities and initiatives, aggregation and interaction with other subjects in the community (young and less young), offering them, furthermore, more opportunities and support in facing the problems typical of the third age. The platform on which the needs of elderly people and people with disabilities will be loaded will be capable of managing a portfolio of services. The most important are: drug administration and delivery, home delivery of groceries, Last Minute Market, sharing and transfer of knowledge and skills, electronic noticeboard for requests/offers of services related to welfare, creation of content for an online magazine and Time Bank.

  • Progetto SMART (SMARt lighTing)

    The project is focused on optimal management of public lighting and urban viability through the creation of a system of monitoring whose objectives concern the reduction of energetic consumption deriving from incorrect use of the public lighting system and the optimisation of urban viability.

  • SMOB - Social MOBility

    SMOB is a project on sustainable mobility which offers as a solution a platform ofvehicle poolingwhich consists of shared use of a means of transport to carry out movements from different origins to common destinations.

  • Terrenet

    The project wants to bring out the historical-cultural, ethno-anthropological and enogastronomic patrimony present in the territory which includes the area between the provinces of Benevento and Avellino geographically identified as Fortore Beneventano, Valli del Miscano and dell'Ufita.

  • Alternativ@-MENTE! Intelligent systems for communicative disabilities

    La proposta progettuale di Alternativ@-MENTE! Sistemi intelligenti per le disabilità comunicative”, partendo dalla constatazione di un generale gap della Regione Calabria ed in generale del meridione nei servizi di assistenza sanitaria e sociale, intende fornire una soluzione tecnologicamente innovativa a favore dei soggetti affetti da sindromi neuropsichiatriche infantili che interessano la sfera comunicativa.

  • City Free

    The main objective of the project, conceived by a group of young Sicilians, is the development of a web platform to support sustainable mobility through the dynamic carpooling system.

  • Ci Ro ' City Roaming

    Using systems created through the integration of existing technologies in the service of a new idea of eco-sustainable management of the urban variables of the city of Naples, the project Ci.Ro. City Roaming will foster eco-compatible mobility in the urban field.

  • Il progetto SPH3RA - Smart Paestum Heritage: 3D Reconstruction of Antiquity

    As its general objective, the project SPH3RA seeks to promote the development of ICT applications directed towards the digital conservation, distribution, disclosure, and sustainability of the architectural patrimony of the archaeological site of Paestum (SA).

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