
Social Innovation

  • KISS-Health

    KISS-Health (Knowledge Intensive Social Services for Health) is a project conceived by three young Apulian researchers (Ilaria Bortone, bioengineer, Alberto Argentiero, biotechnologist, and Nadia Agnello, biologist) who decided to examine the problems linked to posture, by creating a research, training and services model structured around the Laboratory of Postural Biomechanics.

  • My hospital assistant

    The project My Hospital Assistant concentrates on improving the quality of hospitalisation of patients being treated for complex pathologies and in the post-operation period, through the integration of a multimedia information platform and a system of direct communication between patients and care centres.

  • Tradition is Eco-friendly – sustainability model for the innovation of tradition and the revolution of events in Puglia

    Ecofesta Puglia is a brand which was born within a larger project titled "tradition is eco-friendly – sustainability model for the innovation of tradition and the revolution of events in Puglia". The project proposes to adopt, in as vital a territory as Puglia, a green philosophy centred in respect for nature and the surrounding environment.

  • Saracen (Socially Assistive Robots Autistic Children EducatioN)

    The project involves the design and creation of a robot for the treatment and diagnosis of children affected by autism. The project integrates and implements computer vision algorithms which allow the robot to function more intelligently. The technologies integrated in this special robot (SAR Socially Assistive Robot) have characteristics comparable to those of a human being and bring a high degree of usability.

  • Il progetto SMARTDMO

    SMARTDMO is an operational tool for the creation and maintenance of back-end digital relationships between the DMO (Destination Management Organisation) and the stakeholders in the sector.

  • S.E.O.S.T.M (Search Engine Optimization Sicilian Tourism Marketing)

    The project focuses on the identification of an analytical method capable of measuring the online presence of all subjects involved in the tourist system. This will be achieved through the creation of a collection of information useful to the creation of analysis tools capable of monitoring the global offer of a tourist branch.

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