The Programme


Communication activities promoted within the NOP for R&C 2007-2103 aim to advertise and provide information about the Programme and follow three main objectives: transparency, dissemination of results and to highlight the EU’s role as co-founder of the Programme.

All communication activities within the NOP for R&C 2007-2103 include the advertisement and provision of information in accordance with Art. No. 69 of Regulation (EC) 1083/06 and with the National Strategic Reference Framework.

In this regard, the Managing Authority of the Programme, dealing with the provision of information and advertising, ensures that communication campaigns guarantee:

  • Transparency, by divulging information concerning ERDF and National co-funding opportunities within the Programme and publishing a list of all beneficiaries, i.e. all public and private subjects that have received funding and are implementing interventions in the convergence Regions;
  • Dissemination of results achieved by promoting project excellence;
  • Highlighting the European Union's role as co-funder of the Programme, by means of strengthening economic competitiveness, creating employment and improving economic cohesion.

The Managing Authority is responsible for the Regulations of the NOP for R&C 2007-2013 Communication Plan, that was confirmed compliant to Art. No. 3 of Regulation (EC) 1828/06 on 8 December, 2008 by the EU Commission.

This document defines the overall strategy and the relevant indicative budget to guarantee the efficient implementation of advertising and information campaigns; the objectives, contents and target audiences of which are accurately defined.

Last Updated: : 14/05/2014
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