The NOP for R&C organisation

Audit Authority

Tasks, functions and contacts of the Audit Authority (AA) of the Programme.

The Audit Authority is the body that plans, manages and coordinates the checking activities throughout the planning period, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the management/control systems and the correctness of the operations, in a way that is functionally independent from both the Management Authority and the Certification Authority.
The Audit Authority is required to prepare a planning strategy, verify the reaching of the auditing objectives and keep the Commission, the Management Authority, Certification Authority and Intermediate Body constantly informed regarding the results of controlling and the activities undertaken to activate the corrective mechanisms in case of irregularities or drawbacks, by drawing up specific reports. The Audit Authority is attributed to the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE)

Department for Development and Cohesion Policies - Unità di Verifica degli Investments Pubblici (UVER)
Address: Via Sicily, 162 - 00187 Rome
Reference person : Mario Vella




Last Updated: : 15/05/2014
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