
Social Innovation

  • Finanziami il tuo futuro

    Fund me your future is a platform of local crowdfunding which proposes to spread and promote new projects for the development of the territory. Crowdfunding is a process of funding from the bottom up which is founded on the idea that with a little effort from many people it is possible to realise many dreams. Fund me your future appeals to the territoriality of the projects and therefore to their capacity to have a real impact, producing concrete effects on and ties to the territory whence they come.


    The OSSERVA-RAEE PALERMO project has the aim of developing an information platform accessible via internet, for the provision of services in outsourcing with high added value aimed at the improvement of the efficiency of businesses operating in the collection and recovery of RAEE (waste from electric and electronic equipment) and which would thus be connected in an operational network.

  • SMARTOUR - Piattaforma per la promozione del turismo culturale attraverso l 'impiego di tecnologie innovative

    Smartour is a territorial marketing service aimed at increasing local and international tourism in the city of Salerno, using the cultural and scenic potential of the city.

  • DIMEMO-DIga Marittima per l'Energia del Moto Ondoso

    The project is promoting the final phases of research and development of the first pilot system in the world of an "overflow" device for the conversion of totally integrated wave motor technology in maritime dams.

  • PoP_HuB

    The PoP_HuB mission is to create a network of people and spaces, starting with abandoned and underused buildings in the city, with the objective of exposing situations of abandonment for the re-evaluation of the buildings.

  • Meeting Points - Punti d'incontro per l'innovazione sostenibile

    The Meeting Points project has the objective of suggesting professional collaborations, suggesting the best match between users with profiles on the platform. The profile of the user considers different aspects of the person, both at the professional and at the personal level.

  • iBIKE Improve the experience of electric bike users

    The iBIKE project, presented by eight youths from Puglia, has the objective of distributing and promoting the use of electric bicycles through the creation of an integrated system, called "eSocialBike", capable of guaranteeing cyclists real time support and social network interaction.

  • Smart Health by Artificial intelligence for Risk Estimation (SHARE)

    The project SHARE has as its main objective the research, development, and validation of a scientifically and technologically innovative solution which confronts the problems inherent in the prevention of cardiovascular incidents in the elderly.

  • MAB - Monitoraggio Aree Boschive

    The project expects to create a system capable of safeguarding the forests and parks, the protection of which represents a tool to contain CO2 emissions. In particular in the Puglia region, one of the Convergence Regions, the same project can be used for the protection of centennial trees, especially olive trees, in relation to which could constitute a valid support for the registry, indicating for each tree, the georeferenced coordinates with the possibility, furthermore, of being able to verify potential cuts or extirpations of said trees.

  • Risorse di Sicilia

    Resources of Sicily is a project conceived by the Lavoratorio Association made up of young Sicilians whose objective is to encourage the transition between study and work for young Sicilians acting directly and indirectly on all the actors involved in this process.

  • OSOLEBIKE- Bicicli e Tricicli elettrici a pedalata assistita di nuova generazione

    This project falls within the field of technologies and systems enacted to promote and develop urban and interurban mobility with low environmental impact. The project idea concerns in particular the implementation, at the prototype level, of innovation in assisted pedalling electric bicycles and tricycles to be destined for “Bike Sharing”.

  • P@glia efficiente per natura

    The project P@glia was started in 2012 under the initiative of four young adults. It was based on an innovative idea to achieve the thermic-acoustic isolation of buildings using natural products that are ecologically-friendly and ecologically-sustainable. The project intends to develop these products using know-how and research relevant to the established goals.

  • Smart Aging

    The "SMART AGEING" project is based mainly on the interaction of three essential elements, namely prevention, screening and early diagnosis and on an innovative tool, Serious Games, virtual electronic games capable of setting up specific highly tailorable rehabilitative treatment on single types of cognitive deficit of the patient (memory, attention, logical capacity, executive capacity, etc.).

  • Enjoy Calabria

    Enjoy Calabria is the first 3D tourist community capable of creating a web platform that could unite the community spirit typical of social networks with a new concept of innovative territorial marketing based on the “virtual” reconstruction of the territories and environments.

  • Sorgenti plastiche ad alta efficienza per l'illuminazione di ambienti espositivi

    The objective of this project addresses efficient, non-invasive lighting of a high chromatic yield, of urban areas of artistic-architectural merit, of art works and valuable property. The aim of the activity is the development of a prototype of light at low energy consumption based on plastic material, or rather organic LED (carbonic atom-based) denominated OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode).

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