Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


INTUS_ Intelligenza ambientale, Narrativita , Tagging delle risorse Urbane e Sensoristica diffusa

Code PON04a3_00476

Results to date: 08/09/2014

Promoted by MIUR within the National Operational Programme for Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation, the project intends to evaluate the city of Corleone and to develop new forms of smart tourism through the creation of a reproducible system of access to cultural goods.

The objective is to restore a different image of the Corleone territory from that spread over time by the stereotypes and common places.

The starting point is C.I.D.M.A  - International Centre of Documentation on the Mafia and Antimafia Movement, citizen archive which curates the documents of the maxi-trial  of Falcone and Borsellino.

The young promoters of the initiative, all under 30, thanks also to the support of Meltingpro, Space S.p.A, Rete Iter and Il Germoglio, after an initial phase of reorganisation, inventorying and digitisation of the most important documents in the archive, will create a narrative course which retraces the history of the city through evaluation of tangible and intangible cultural patrimony.

The territory will therefore be recounted through stories elaborate from listening to Corleone citizens, their memories, their suggestions, their piazzas and monuments, filtered by the attentive gaze of the young people living there today.

Such narration enriched with multimedia content (music, video, voices, photos, etc.) and made available in loco,on portable supports and the web, will favour the use of Corleone cultural patrimony to an ample and varied public, thanks to a system of georeferencing and the widespread use of sensors with a strong remand to archive material.

This way the city will speak with its visitors proposing its own stories. The solutions adopted will allow the recognition of the visitor and the tracking of his/her movements; the monitoring of places which have been the object of visits and the times of the same visits; the spread of contents and integration of narration with territorial enthusiasm.

Culture and technology are thus presented to the service of the territory by reinterpreting it and returning a project capable of spreading new values, re-drawing maps and social weaves and putting back in motion processes of innovation and change.

Presentation of the project (italian version .ppt)

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