Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Rel@zioni Reti e azioni con gli anziani

Code PON04a3_00380

Results to date: 16/07/2014

The Project aims to evaluate and integrate elderly people in the dynamics of the social fabric of the territory of reference, the basin of the ex ASL n. 6 of Lamezia Terme, at the same time making it possible for them to be involved in socio-cultural activities and initiatives, aggregation and interaction with other subjects in the community (young and less young), offering them, furthermore, more opportunities and support in facing the problems typical of the third age. The platform on which the needs of elderly people and people with disabilities will be loaded will be capable of managing a portfolio of services. The most important are: drug administration and delivery, home delivery of groceries, Last Minute Market, sharing and transfer of knowledge and skills, electronic noticeboard for requests/offers of services related to welfare, creation of content for an online magazine and Time Bank.

In reference to the activities covered by the project, the activities undertaken and the results obtained so far are:

  • Research activities:
    Initiated with the comparison between ISTAT 2012 information and Zone Plans of the socio-health district of Lametino. From this recognition an initial mapping originated of the real number of interested parties in the territory of reference. Such acquisition has allowed the promoters to analyse the context of the basin of use, within which the project will operate. Together with the Department of Sociology and Political Sciences at Unical, a data sheet of disclosure of the services offered by the 25 districts has been developed, administered to the mayors, managers and clerks of the Social Services of the cities concerned, in such a way as to be able to see the difficulties encountered by the administrations in the distribution of services destined for the elderly and non-self-sufficient. Subsequently, interviews were carried out with various groups of users: GPs, self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient elderly people, elderly residents in retirement homes, elderly people with in-home nurses, children and families of elderly people, in-home nurses, nuns who look after the elderly, nuns in charge of retirement homes. For the final research phase Focus Groups are used. From this work a substantial document has been released to which the project refers for the fulfilment of the services.
  • Institution of a Time Bank:
    The TB, already active in one district, has the aim of removing the elderly person from the condition of marginalisation and solitude, through active involvement aimed at evaluating their rich cultural knowledge, extremely precious to the society in which we live, where many values, professions and much knowledge is disappearing.
  • Preparatory phase for the home delivery of medicines:
    The Project has launched the operation of the service after having studied and implemented the functioning of it through a technological platform. The process was learnt with the presentation of a proposal to ASP in Lamezia Terme, which was protocolled and is waiting to be judged.
  • Launch of the delivery of groceries:
    After having studied and implemented its functioning through a technological platform, we moved to the presentation of a proposal to the various supermarkets present in the District of Lamezia Terme. The choice fell on CONAD, with which it has set in motion the process of delivery, starting in the second week of March 2014 and currently in the testing phase.
  • Online magazine:
    The Project has already launched the publication of the On-Line Magazine, now in its fourth edition.

In the next few months, the Project will begin the phase of implementation of the technological platform, where all the data collected will be merged and from which the services begun in these months will be managed. The testing phase of the delivery of shopping will continue, increasing the number of adherents and improving, where needed, the delivery algorithm.

Parallel to this, the activities already initiated will continue (time bank and online magazine).

The project expects to begin activity on the Last Minute Market and to implement a second Time Bank in one of the 25 municipality of the territory.

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