Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016



Code PON04a3_00462

Results to date: 07/07/2014


The project wants to bring out the historical-cultural, ethno-anthropological and enogastronomic patrimony present in the territory which includes the area between the provinces of Benevento and Avellino geographically identified as Fortore Beneventano, Valli del Miscano and dell'Ufita.

The main objectives of the project can be identified thus:

  • AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PRODUCTION: aims to catalogue already-existing production through the creation of a listing of products, and identify the methods of intervention to enhance it and make it more competitive on the national and international market;
  • TOURISM: this concerns in the first place cataloguing and connecting the various reception structures present in the territory, and in the second place researching the forms to activate a "green" tourist offer as an alternative to the life of the large urban centres through the creation of experiential courses which allow the rediscovery of the artistic and natural beauty of these still contaminated places;
  • NEW TECHNOLOGIES: the instrument of fulfilment of the objectives listed above passes through the use of modern technologies (web platform, smartphone application).

The results achieved so far are:

  • Mapping desk: has progressed to a thorough research of the areas of archaeological historical interest, as well as products typical of the territory and the tourist reception structures.
  • Development of a web application: the development of a platform is in progress which allows interaction by the final user with the territory through the creation of a listing of typical and local tourist products.
  • Development of a smartphone application: the application currently being developed will be of significant aid for tourists and visitors, and will permit navigability and accessibility to the reception structures and historical-cultural zones.

The objectives expected of the project can be identified thus:

  1. Creation of a listing of typical and local tourist products.
  2. Bringing out historical and cultural, ethnoanthropological and enogastronomic patrimony of the territory.
  3. Evaluating the naturalistic and cultural patrimony.

Go to the presentation (italian version pdf)


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