
Smart Cities

  • Smart Tunnel

    The objective of the SMART TUNNEL project is the development of technologies for the control and rationalisation of mercantile and passenger ship traffic in port areas, the movement and management of containers and the movement and management of auto-vessels.

  • Smart Energy Master for the energetic government of the territory - SINERGREEN - RES NOVAE

    The project includes research activity on systems of production and management of energy, on distribution networks and storage on a local scale.

  • First

    The project, lasting three years, was conceived by a group of large national companies, research centres and Italian universities whose principal aim is the development of an entirely open source platform dedicated to the Public Administration.

  • Smart Health Cluster OSDH - SMART FSE –STAYWELL

    The objective of the Smart Health 2.0 project is the promotion of the innovation of the Health System through the development of ICT technologies. The project confronts all the aspects tied to the theme of health from cure, to prevention, to assistance of citizens proposing innovative and technological solutions.

  • i-NEXT

    The project intends to support innovation in the transport sector and in the sector of energy demand in buildings. To this aim, ecological transport will be supported and promoted as well as the optimisation of interaction between energy demand in buildings, unplanned production from renewable energy sources (FER) and energy accumulation, and the definition and installation of actions aimed at energy saving.


    The project, lasting 30 months, falls within the field of natural resources and concerns the themes of management of the life cycle of goods (distribution, evaluation energy, secure burial in landfill) and management of the integrated water cycle.

  • DICET - INMOTO - ORganisation of Cultural HEritage for Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility (OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A.)

    The general aim of the project is the development of an ensemble of technological solutions oriented towards the intelligent evaluation of the cultural patrimony, material and immaterial, of the Campania region for the use of tourists, visitors and citizens, with respect to the principles of sustainability and eco-friendliness.

  • EDOC@WORK 3.0

    English version not available


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