These projects constitute a research unit tied to the main topics of health 2.0, proposing the "vision" of a system of "e-health" with a strong characterisation of interoperability.
The project, divided into two homogeneous modules with strong interactions between them, intends to develop innovative infrastructure of a technological nature, with applications at the supraregional, local and individual level, aimed at creating new models of intervention into the principal areas of the health and wellbeing of citizens. It starts with the "pre-clinical" area (wellbeing, lifestyle and prevention), continues through the management of emergencies (diagnosis through innovative sensors, optimisation of health pathways) and through to de-hospitalisation, at-home caring and chronic telemedicine services. The connection among the "vertical" elements of the health pathway appears in "open" form on a horizontal technological "cloud" platform. The information is shared according to the paradigm of the 2nd generation Electronic Health Dossier (compatible with the specific InEHD and coherent with national guidelines), which enables technical, semantic and organisational interoperability for the exchange of data and for the aggregation and intelligent monitoring of health incidents. The project also outlines the development of a platform for the formalisation and optimisation of care profiles, which capitalise the heterogeneous and distributed health information in the database. Other horizontal topics are clinical risk control tools (risk management) and empowerment of health operators and tools of government and territorial planning.
All the convergence regions, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily are involved in the experimentation.
The thematic platforms integrate different innovative technologies (cloud computing, knowledge management, advanced sensoring), on which to develop the applicative components which distribute services. The platform and applications will constitute a 'living lab' used for the experimentation.
• Technologically enabling platform, on which to place the architectural components of the system: follows the paradigm of federalised architecture of public/private cloud, adopts the 'Open Data' model and allows the development of new application cooperation models among the health bodies involved.
• Semantic and documentation platform for the exchange of data: foresees extraction of knowledge from heterogeneous cloud-based data, use of Language Engineering and Natural Language Processing techniques for the analysis and classification of non-structured data.
• Technological platform for diagnosis: planning and construction of mobile devices and miniature advanced sensors in fibre optic for the direct, continuous and real time survey of clinical parameters.
Results expected and first users
The experimentation involves: in Puglia, the United Hospitals of Foggia, the General Hospital of the University of Bari, the Oncological Branch of Bari, the Local Health Unit and MMG of Foggia and Bari; in Campania, two Neapolitan LHUs and the A.O.R.N. Santobono-Pausilipon; in Sicily, the Provincial Health Unit of Catania and, in accordance with the Sicilian Region, the metropolitan areas of Palermo and Catania; in Calabria: the network of Urban Centers for health promotion and alphabetisation and sensitisation towards correct lifestyle.
Other information
Key words: e-health, smart health, cloud computing, sensoring, health processes, risk management, EHD Electronic Health Dossier, interoperability, wellbeing and lifestyle, care profiles