
Action Line II – Support for innovation

Support for innovation (Action Line II) includes interventions which, on one hand, improve the focus on business innovation and development, and on the other, modify the factors which contribute to entrepreneurship, and hence improve the territorial appeal and competitiveness of Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.

Planned interventions, including those resulting from the transfer and promotion of best practices developed elsewhere, focus on upgrading the innovation systems of the Convergence regions.

Action Line II includes the implementation of the following operational objectives:

The interventions that will be co-funded by the Programme are specified for each operational objective. 


Asse II

Action Line II - Support for innovation

Specific objective: Improvement of the innovative context for the development of competitiveness



Operational objectives Actions Measures

II.1 - Improvement of industry

  • II.1.1 - Measures for the competitiveness of Industry

Call for Industrialisation  (M.D. of 6/08/2010)


Call for Innovative Objectives (M.D. of 6/08/2010)


Rolling call for Applicants NOP-Law No. 46 of 1982 TIF


Call for Start-up




Call for Reach


Negotiation procedure


Development Contracts

II.2 - Improvement of Capital Market

  • II.2.1 - Capitalization of Small and Medium Sized businesses and access to credit

II.3 - Integrated activities for the sustainable development and dissemination of the information society

  • II.3.1 - Integrated actions of research and competitiveness for a sustainable development

  • II.3.2 - Integrated actions of research and competitiveness for the Information Society

Smart Cities and Communities 

Social Innovation 

Last Updated: : 08/04/2014
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