Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016



Code PON04a2_C

Results to date: 28/07/2014

The objective of the Smart Health 2.0 project is the promotion of the innovation of the Health System through the development of ICT technologies. The project confronts all the aspects tied to the theme of health from cure, to prevention, to assistance of citizens proposing innovative and technological solutions.

The project is articulated in three main fields:

Infrastructure Fieldconsists of the realisation of four specific platforms:

  • a qualifying platform, conceived as an architecture of public and private cloud infrastructure, capable of enhancing the definition potential of new cooperation models;
  • a technological platform for diagnosis which consists of an environment for the planning and creation of advanced fibre optic sensors;
  • a semantic and document platform, to reorganise the services in processes/procedures to be used during the testing phase;
  • a BPM/Transactional System platform, aimed at the optimisation and management of processes.

The Applied Field whose themes have been identified following the paradigm of continuity consists of the development of a second generation Electronic Health Dossier which will support not only interoperable mobile devices and new modes of use of services but will become a unique point of aggregation of information on the health status of citizens, their clinical history and the treatments underway; applications dedicated to prevention,wellness and lifestyle; territorial medicine, tele-monitoring and management of chronicity; management of clinical risk and optimisation of clinical pathways; advanced sensors; management and regulation of emergencies; tools for professional updating in daily working life and for the participation of citizens in the management of their own health; health governance and creation of decisional support systems.

TheTesting Field involves the PA of the regions involved (Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily); the testing is based on the creation of a Living Lab which will virtually coordinate the research activities and testing sites.

Smart Health 2.0 is also concerned with prevention to improve the average health conditions of a population through campaigns of vaccination and preventive screening and will focus on wellness and lifestyles through attention to diet and physical activity.


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