Management and Monitoring

Level I checks

Level I checks are performed in conjunction with the management of interventions and assess the correct implementation of managerial operations.

Article No. 60(b) of Regulation (EC) 1083/2006 states that the Managing Authority must ensure that co-funded products and services are indeed supplied. Moreover the MA must verify that the costs relating to operations declared by incentive beneficiaries have indeed been incurred and that the aforementioned costs comply with EU and national regulations. The same article states that assessments may be performed in lieu of single tests on a sampling basis.

Assessments stated in Art. No. 60 (b) are the basis for level I checks, i.e. checks performed in conjunction with the management of interventions and assessing the correct implementation of managerial operations.

The Managing Authority and the Intermediate Body, which participate in the management of interventions, must provide documentary evidence of the performed assessments and undertake on-site inspections concerning administrative, financial, technical and physical aspects of co-funded operations.

Assessments must certify that declared costs have indeed been incurred, that products and services have been supplied in accordance with the approbatory decision, that refund requests made by beneficiaries are in order and that the operations and costs are compliant with EU and national regulations.

Assessments must also include procedures implemented to avoid that expenses are refunded more than once through other national and EU programmes, including those relating to other programming periods.


Last Updated: : 14/05/2014
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