The Programme

Available funds

The funds available to the “NOP for Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013” are in excess of € 4 billion. The original amount of €6.2 billion was reduced in 2012 by €1.7 billion following Italy’s choice to review the operational Programmes to support the Cohesion Action Plan.

On the date the "NOP for research and Competitiveness 2007-2013" was adopted by the European Commission in December 2007, the total funds allocated to the Programme were in excess of €6 billion.

Italy has suggested to review the Operational Programmes and to create a new fund to finance Cohesion Action Plan initiatives in order to overcome the current economic crisis and contribute towards the achievement of the Europa 2020 objectives.

In this regard MIUR (MA) and MiSE (IB) made a proposal to the European Commission which was then approved (Council Decision, October 2012). The proposal suggested to review the NOP for Research and Competitiveness and led to the adjustment of the Programme's financial plan from €6.2 billion to €4.4 billion.

Following the review of the Programme, the European financial contribution, which is provided by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), remains unaltered (€3.1 billion)  while the newly available national funds have been allocated towards financing the Cohesion Action Plan.57.8% of the total funds has been allocated towards interventions for structural changes (Action Line I of the Programme), 38.5% has been allocated towards the development of interventions of support for innovation (Action Line II of the Programme).

The remaining funds have been allocated towards the provision of support and coaching for Programme management and towards the implementation of its measures (Action Line III of the Programme).


Last Updated: : 08/04/2014
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