Management Authority

Organisational Unit for Implementation

The Organisational Unit for Implementation (OUI) guarantees regular, prompt implementation of the various lines of intervention of the Programme.

The OUI undertakes management of:

  • the actions funded under Axis III  - Technical Assistance and accompaniment activity
  • operations funded through the Notice stated in Directorate Decree N. 254/Ric. of 18 May 2011 for the strengthening of structures and the scientific and technological endowments funded under Axis I - Support to structural changes

More specifically, the Unit supervises and participates in the activities for preparation of the instruments aimed at the selection and funding of the operations, and ensures correct application and the respect of the Programme selection criteria in all the procedural stages of the projects included.
Moreover, the OUI undertakes activities regarding strategic monitoring and expenditure budgeting, and guarantees the drawing up of the NOP R&C "quality system" to be applied to the structures and processes involved in various ways in the implementation of the Programme.


Reference person:   Anna Maria Fontana

General Directorate for Research - Office IV

Tel. +39 06 9772 7365




Last Updated: : 01/09/2015
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