Profile Project

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Sperimentazione e sviluppo di un cornetto prelievitato surgelato crudo contenente probiotici e prebiotici

Code L46G*A/002074/X/00
Field/s Food
Description No description available for this project
Total cost 1,222,050.00 euro
Public contribution
Total public contribution
651,760.00 euro

NOP R&C contribution
244,410.00 euro

PAC contribution
0.00 euro

Contribution from other funds
407,350.00 euro
Distribution Advancement of distribution in %
Total amount distributed
496,125.44 euro

NOP R&C distributed amount
186,047.04 euro

PAC distributed amount
0.00 euro

Amount distributed with other funds
310,078.40 euro


Field/s – Indicates the field or fields in which the project has the most relevance. A project may have more than one field. For some projects it is not assigned. The field are the following 8: "Health and wellbeing", "Food", "Energy", "Environment and Ecology", "Transport and Logistics", "Cultural goods and activities", "Social Innovation" and "Smart Cities".

Description – Descriptive summary of project.

Total cost – Total cost of project.

Public contribution – Three elements are reported:

  • Total commitment – total amount admitted to financing, may include more than contribution to be valued on NOP R&C, also on other funds.
  • NOP R&C admitted contribution
  • PAC admitted contribution
  • Contribution with other funds

Distribution – The following elements are reported:

  • Total distributed amount – takes into account the distributed amount considering both NOP R&C distribution and other funds if provided for
  • NOP R&C distributed amount – amount distributed to financing of project to be valued on NOP R&C
  • PAC distributed amount – amount distributed to financing of project to be valued on PAC
  • Amount distributed with other funds – amount distributed to financing of project with other funds

The distributions refer to the date of last update indicated at top.

Type of beneficiary Public commitment for beneficiary
Medium business 1
Total Beneficiaries 1


Tax File Number: 01751070630
Unique Project Code: B53F12000280008
Location of financial commitments: Campania
Type: Medium business

Presentation date -
Approval date 18/01/2013
Start of activity Expected date
Effective date
End of activity Expected date
Effective date
Total cost 1,222,050.00 euro
Public contribution Total
651,760.00 euro
Eligible of NOP R&C
244,410.00 euro
Distribution Total
496,125.44 euro
Amount of NOP R&C
186,047.04 euro

Date of last distribution of NOP R&C
Axis - Operational objective II - Improvement of industry (Go to )
Action Measures for the competitiveness of Industry
Action line Technological Innovation (Go to)
Instrument of implementation Law 46/82: generalist FIT 46 announcement pursuant to MD 24/09/09 - Revolving fund
NSF - objective Strengthen and evaluate the whole chain of research and cooperation networks between the research system and businesses, to contribute to competitiveness and economic growth; sustain maximum distribution and use of new technologies and advanced services; heighten level of scientific and technical knowledge and skills in the production system and in institutions
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