
Social Innovation

The NOP for R&C has asked young people from southern Italy to develop solutions for the needs of their local areas.

With Directorial Decree No. 84 of 3 March, 2012, MIUR has implemented two distinct measures: one for the presentation of project ideas for "Smart Cities and Communities" and the other for "Social Innovation Projects". The aim is to promote within the Convergence regions (Puglia, Sicily, Calabria and Campania) projects that include the development of innovative technological ideas addressing short-medium term issues arising from the relevant urban context.

MIUR has strived to include the younger generations - up to the age of 30 - in the identification of social needs and the development of a culture of "Social Innovation".



Relevant Fields

The Ministry has requested that the projects target the following strategic areas:

• Smart mobility
• Smart health
• Smart education
• Cloud computing technologies for smart government
• Smart culture and tourism
• Renewable energy and smart grids
• Energy efficiency and low carbon technologies
• Smart mobility and last-mile logistics
• Sustainable natural resources (waste, water and urban biodiversity)



Available funds

Available funds for the implementation of these projects are equal to € 40,000,000.00
By the application deadline 188 projects were received for an overall amount of € 186,573,067.29
At the end of the assessment stage 56 projects were funded.


Eligible expenditure

€ 49,238,339.23

Total expenditure                 

€ 39,390,671.37


Parties involved

Young individuals (including those who are board members of a non-profit organisation) who are under 30 years old at the time of submitting the project and are resident in one of the four Convergence Regions.

Last Updated: : 31/12/2014
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