
Industrial Research

Industrial Research projects for the innovation of products and services of businesses in the Convergence Areas enabling them to become more competitive.

With Directorial Decree (D.D.) No. 1/Ric. of 18 January 2010 and by means of an open invitation, MIUR has selected highly scientific and technological projects capable of innovating business products, procedures and services. The objective is to make the Convergence regions (Puglia, Sicily, Calabria and Campania) more competitive by promoting the sustainable development of these areas, diversifying production specialisation and strengthening sectors of excellence. Businesses were invited to submit Industrial Research Projects autonomously or together with universities and public research organisations, promoting the participation of SMEs. A decisive factor in the selection of the projects was the demonstration of how the implementation and development of these enabling technologies would improve industry competitiveness and quality of life.


 Fields of interest

The projects which have been presented have been addressed by the Ministry to 9 scientific and technological areas believed to be strategic:

  • ICT
  • Advanced materials
  • Energy and energy reduction
  • Health and biotechnologies
  • Agro-industrial system
  • Aerospace and aeronautics
  • Cultural heritage
  • Transport and advanced logistics
  • Environment and safety



The substantial response from the business world - 533 applications for an investment of no less than 10 times the total amount available - guaranteed the allocation of a further €535 million which, in addition the €465 million originally available enabled the financing of 154 projects complete with related training projects.

Furthermore, with an aim to incentivizing a fruitful exchange of knowledge and abilities between the Regions of the Convergence and the more advanced sectors of the country, it will be possible to effect a quota of activity outside the Regions of the Convergence financed by the Fund for the Facilitation of Research.

Permitted cost   

         €  1,467,781,356.15

Total commitment

         €  1,078,711,658.39


Type of subjects involved*

Large enterprises




Micro Enterprises




Public Research Bodies


Research Bodies             


*A subject is counted for each time it participates in a project.



Last Updated: : 31/12/2014
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