Industrial Research projects for the innovation of Convergence business services and products enabling them to become more competitive.
Projects for the specialisation and integration of skills in research, innovation and enabling technologies, to respond to the country's needs and excel on an international level.
Available funds: € 915 Million
Accepted projects and co-financing: 50
Feasibility studies: 42
Projects for the improvement of new research structures and laboratories in Universities and Public Research Organisations.
Projects for the improvement of the services and the quality of the communities we live in through research and technology.
Projects developed by young people responding to social needs through innovative ideas.
With this fund Mise helps micro, small and medium enterprises to gain access to bank finance for business investements and liquidity requirements.
A means of facilitating significant investments for the improvement of the Country's industry, particularly in the South.
Mise funds interventions relating to
strategic innovation by means of tenders that provide incentives to
the business system for the implementation of programs in high
technological research, development and innovation business
Available funds: € 383.000.000
Projects funded: 118
A means of facilitating the
investments towards the industrialisation of qualified experimental
research and development programmes, competitive improvement and
environmental protection by the small, medium and large
M.D. of 6 August, 2010:
Integrated "Sustainable development"
Integrated "Digital Innovation" Action
Available funds: 493.300.000 euro
Projects funded: 15
Mise supports the creation and
start-up of small entrepreneurial activities by the unemployed or
those seeking first employment and promotes the creation of new
enterprises or the growth of existing enterprises.
Law No. 185/2000
Entrepreneurship and Self-employment
A scheme that brings labour
demand and supply closer together by placing individuals seeking
employment (resident in the Convergence regions) in businesses
providing professional training.
Work and Development 4 (W&D 4)
Available funds: € 60 Million
Integrated Package of Incentives (IPI) for Innovation
Integrated Package of Incentives (IPI) for Networking
Available funds: 268.400.000 euro
Projects funded: 584