
Communication Campaign

An integrated and detailed Communication Campaign, which takes advantage of a number of actions and tools synergistically linked among themselves and with the territory.

With regard to the aims outlined in the Communication Plan, the communication plan has two objectives:

VISIBILITY OF THE PROGRAMME  - give visibility to the objectives of the Programme and increase the knowledge and active participation of local and European citizens;

DIFFUSION OF RESULTS - obtain maximum media exposure and the widest possible diffusion of the results obtained from the Programme.

The objectives of the communication strategy are broken down into various actions covering the following territorial fields:

National territory, through a media plan of national effort to achieve wide media impact and dense distribution, to encourage the visibility of the NOP towards the public, supporting institutional positioning and credibility;

Convergence Objective regions, through an integrated communication plan intended to evaluate on a local level the tangibility of the action undertaken by the NOP, informing citizens of the real benefits of the financed action.

The reference target of the communication campaign is divided into:

Primary target: the citizens of the national territory, but primarily the "public", or the population of the four Convergence Objective regions (Puglia, Calabria, Campania and Sicily), with particular attention to the focus group of young people between 35 and 40 years old.

Secondary target: potential beneficiaries; beneficiaries/implementers; potential partners and effective institutional and communication partners


Data Ultimo Aggiornamento:15/05/2014
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