Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


E-Co/ Cilento Electronic - Cooperation Cilento

Code PON04a3_00268

Results to date: 09/02/2015


Eco Cilento is a project which intends to develop a technological service which allows one to implement decisions and render them efficient decisions for local development through a platform of cooperation and online sharing. It is a support tool for decisions and planning between the Public Administration, the production sector and the third sector.

The basic idea is to build a network of skills as support for public decisions of the governments of Cilento on strategic matters such as tourism, culture and environmental protection.

The National Park of Cilento is a territory which includes 80 districts and 7 mountain communities, a territory which thanks to its natural and landscape richness offers enormous unexpressed potential, shown also by abundant international recognition.

Geographical isolation is one of the main problems for the territory, imposing on the decision-making capacity of local bodies at various levels.

E/co Cilento will give the possibility to best exploit the territory's potential, allowing the Public Administration to bring forward more efficient policies of local development through the use of new technologies and participatory methodology.

There are four macro actions which allow us to reach this objective:

  1. Mapping: mapping the players in the territory by dividing them into three categories of user through the administering of three different questionnaires.
  2. Discussion, i.e. articulation of shared debates.
  3. Promotion, i.e. divulgation of activities and resources of the territory.
  4. Synergy, i.e. coordination of resources in the field of construction of networks.

Results obtained:

The e/co Cilento project is divided into five macro areas. The first is related to the mapping of the socio-economic fabric of the project's area of interest; the second concerns the construction of squares of web accessibility in places of major interest. The third concerns the planning and development of the technological platform according to the demands collected through events dedicated to its improvement. The fifth is related to development and debate on the proposals brought by the public administration. The last concerns the promotion and divulgation of the project.


Results achieved
Mapping of players completed. Metadata recovered in batches and loaded on the platform database. Questionnaires produced and sent for compilation by the players.

Results expected
Profile of users in greatest possible number with reference to the districts of Torre Orsaia, Castelnuovo Cilento, Cuccaro Vetere, San Mauro la Bruca, Tortorella, Morigerati, Laurito, Sapri, Buonabitacolo, Atena Lucana, Pollica, Sala Consilina, Casalbuono, Comunità Montanta Bussento.
Attainment of a database of the greatest possible number of businesses and associations disposed to cooperate in Cilento.

2 Deliverables
Creation of squares of web accessibility

Results achieved
Totem Multitouch hardware supports have been installed, which allow citizens to access the platform. The installation allowed us to mitigate the digital divide and provide, in the areas of greatest interest, a tool which can be useful to all the subjects involved in the project.
Totem furthermore is an exceptional vehicle for distribution of the project and guarantees maximum visibility thanks to the possibility of accessing the web.

Results expected
Constant use by all subjects involved in the project.

3 Deliverables

Results achieved
Wireframe completed.
The visuals are being perfected and the contents necessary for perfect use are being loaded.
Login, signup, static areas and back office sections are in the bug-fixing phase. Databases completed and in upload phase. Graphics model complete. Possibility for subjects involved to manage a personal page, load events and participate in the debate.

Results expected
The offline and online phases will contribute to the implementation of the projects proposed by the PA. The events loaded by all the subjects will build a fly-wheel of promotion for the territory. The synergy between the subjects involved will contribute to the construction of processes of cooperation.

4 Deliverables
Debate of proposals

Results achieved
Phase of planning with the public administration begun for the launch of the first queries in beta testing of the platform.

Results expected
Debates begun and concluded by the end of the project in order to assess efficacy. Testing of processes of participation which connect offline and online moments.

5 Deliverables
Divulgation and sensitisation

Results achieved
The activities of divulgation and sensitisation have been carried out through constant planning with local bodies and the organisation in partnership of events. We have taken part in events of national significance such as the smart city exhibition and Smau Napoli.

Results expected
Construction of events focused on pursuing the activities of sensitisation and animation of the territory with the aim of spreading the results of the project and animating the community offline to build the online debates effectively.


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