Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


MUOVITY - Palermo. Mobilita smart per comunita intelligenti

Code PON04a3_00259

Results to date: 25/07/2014

Muovity is a social network for sustainable transportation focused primarily on a carpooling service. Sharing private cars amongst users travelling on the same routes is an ideal solution to address the increasingly pressing problems of urban transport, the cost of fuel, the need to reduce the impact of emissions and lengthy travel times, and the inefficiency of public transport. Unlike existing carpooling sites, Muovity acts as a filter between the passenger and the driver, offering guaranteed immediate payment, certification of passage, and a guarantee of security and earning potential. The social aspect is fundamental for the creation of a community that interacts with the platform, socialises and has fun by participating in sustainable challenges organised by the project staff, through which one can earn status and virtual money that can be converted to purchase additional rides or fuel vouchers, yearly vehicle registrations, etc. The service will be accessible through both the web and mobile phones, and over time will implement additional services sustaining urban transport.


Description of the Results Achieved and Expected

The project has launched various marketing campaigns to spread a culture in favour of carpooling as a possible support between available transportation means; the missing tile to integrate a system that will facilitate the future of urban transport for citizens in Smart cities.

To date, the platform is under development and has already implemented important components such as systems for registration, user profile systems, private messaging and notifications, and the management of groups.

We will proceed now through a collaboration with the consultants responsible for the graphics and the creation of the graphical interface, for both web and mobile, which will be incorporated into a user-friendly platform.


MOUVITY Presentation from Giulio Di Chiara

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