Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


MyBrain3- T.R.E. Talent - Recruitment ' Education: mappa, valorizzazione e sviluppo del capitale intellettuale

Code PON04a3_00155

Results to date: 06/11/2014


The main aim of the project is that of creating a digital platform, capable of creating a virtual environment for the diffusion of education towards entrepreneurship and innovation in the education system, and which would consider students as the centre of a path to learning, bringing them towards the enhancement of their own attitudes, capacities and values by bringing them closer to innovation and entrepreneurship. The platform will be structured according to these fields:

  • E-Talent -Talent portal which allows for the placement at the centre of the system of the skills, capacities and experiences of students, tied to a system of skills evaluation which would provide an immediate rating on their profile;
  • E-Recruitment -improvement of the models of interaction of the educational structures and of instruction and training with the public and private world of work;
  • E-Education -educationalservices and models for self-entrepreneurship and innovation.

Creation of a system of Brain Competition in the following fields: Entrepreneurial Ideas, Innovative Ideas, Capacities. Development of a system which would create contest and competition among young students for the enhancement of the best entrepreneurial ideas and/ for the best innovative ideas.

The problem to be resolved is therefore that of enhancing Human Capital (students) from a meritocratic point of view by incentivising the following points:

  • Healthy competition (virtual game competition);
  • Mapping skills;
  • Interactive talent database
  • Match-making system for work placement;
  • Education System for entrepreneurship and innovation;
  • Knowledge transfer;
  • System of evaluation of the performance of young people (rating of intellectual capital).

With reference to human capital, the issue present today in Italy is tied to insufficient enhancement of talent, to the difficulty particularly for young people of entering the workforce and creating a business, and to the difficulty of supporting paths of innovation enhancement. The solution proposed is to create a technological platform in which all the factors characterising talent can converge (map of intellectual capital), to create services to enhance the capacities and skills of young people (enhancement of intellectual capital), and to create a match-making system for the meeting point between supply and demand of work.





Project presentation (italian version pdf)

Photo Event Light'13 (pdf)

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