Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Modelli integrati per lenergia e il territorio

Code PON04a3_00077

Results to date: 06/11/2014


The main objective of the project is to design and test an intelligent green park, ecologically and economically sustainable, capable of integrating itself architecturally and energetically into the urban centre to produce energy by making use of natural resources such as sun and wind and those present in the park. The management and integration of these sources will be entrusted to a domotic system which will manage the energy balance. Advantages include: reduction in pollution, energy self-sustainability thanks to the rationalisation of energy, reduction in environmental impact, and improvement of quality of life thanks to the breaking down of architectural barriers.

Project results

At the moment the project is in the full phase of experimentation. The studies so far have concentrated on the integration of wind sources in urban centres. The results of this first phase of experimentation were presented to SMAU Bari, on the occasion of the innovation fair. In particular the MIET project created an initial prototype of a wind turbine concentrating primarily on the quality of materials and on the design, seeking to find a good compromise between efficiency and quality, respecting the restrictive dimensions of the urban environment.

The territory concerned will be Puglia, in particular the area of Salento.


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