Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Sapere Tecnico Condiviso

Code PON04a3_00448

The project "Shared technical knowledge" confronts the problem of the location of information useful to the protection of architectural patrimony and building. The objective is the creation of efficient integration of the information sources useful to the protection, evaluation and realisation of "virtuous" interventions into existing patrimony, by contextually launching a process of definition of pathways transversal to the acquisition of information based on the use of a single research engine.

The project proposes genuine integration between digital technologies and historical/archival disciplines in the sector of restoration and building recovery, in public and private cultural institutions (universities, schools, archives, libraries, museums, foundations), and those who collaborate in the elaboration and transmission of memory and historical knowledge as well as the conservation and fruition of archival and library patrimony.

The project has three key steps: the first is aimed at the digitisation of historical cartography, planimetry, and graphical and photographic representations in the endowment of archives.

The second step is oriented towards the specific indexing of single sites or historical buildings, including information of an archival nature.

The last phase will be aimed at an organic rearrangement of the material and information acquired and their structure within an online usable "platform", directed towards various types of user, and continuously updated.

The project proposes to construct a virtual network of knowledge and to divide this network into thematic pathways through the territory by creating a window through which historical, landscape and environmental goods that characterise the Sicilian territory will be brought to the attention of potential users, such as students and technicians, potential tourists, and those who are merely curious.


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