Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Exchanger: share your science. Proposta progettuale per lo sviluppo di un data base di bio-immagini a supporto della ricerca pre-clinica e della formazione in modalita e-learning

Code PON04a3_00433

The idea at the base of this project is that the circulation and diffusion of knowledge represents the vital nourishment of the scientific and training system.

Exchanger is a platform for the generation, consultation, validation and sharing of scientific data, images, experimental protocols and methodologies in the sector of medical research.

The platform represents a virtual place in which to promote:

  • Scientific consulting: every authorised user can upload images, video and comments of their own production onto the platform to share with other users and stimulate scientific discussion. The system allows every user to follow the evolution of every single discussion, giving the possibility to comment, add considerations and receive notifications of updates on the status of the discussion.
  • Standardisation of results obtained: evaluation of data, homogeneously, in all centres that use the same technology.
  • Tele-didactics (e-learning): use of the platform to allow management and enhancement of learning.

The platform is articulated in three distinct modules:

1) Module of access to database of bio images: this functionality allows for the traditional memorisation and cataloguing of bioimages. Acoustic, histopathological and traditional radiological photo imaging is provided for, integrated with video of instrumental procedures, meta-data relevant to experimental activities and online specialist services.

2) Classic e-learning module: this is an e-learning (MOODLE) platform which allows for the planning and creation of learning objects that conform to technological standards (SCORM, etc.) and to ECM methodology. The completion of e-learning training courses will also be permitted through mobile devices with apps developed for mobile operating systems.

3) Online sharing module: this functionality allows users to put documentation online of particularly interesting cases in order to launch cooperative discussion. The user can participate in the discussion through common networking tools (forums, etc.).

The products of the online activity are appropriately classified (tagged) through key words in order to allow for easy searching. Structured archiving of cases discussed and the availability of a search engine will allow over time for a database of cases treated, which can be compared, analysed and recovered simply and immediately.

In conclusion, the development and sharing of these products by the scientific community will confer on the material generated a value of scientific validation.

Finally, the extreme innovation of the methodologies applied and the extraordinary diffusion of these products will represent a unique basis for the development of remote training activities, which can reach the user directly at home, as with a common social network.

In full respect of the final objective that the "Exchanger share your science" project poses, and which consists of the implementation of an IT platform aimed at the creation of a system of transmission, memorisation, consultation and sharing of bioimages in support of training and research activities in the field of preclinical experimentation, to date, the aforementioned platform has been articulated in three modules:

  1. Module of access to database of bio images.
  2. Online sharing module
  3. E-learning and FAD module

Within each module the following results have been achieved:

  • Module 1. Entry into database of bio images ordered according to previously established criteria of cataloguing, defined per field of specialisation and/or topic area (for example: cellular and molecular physiopathology, organ and tissue physiopathology; general and large pathologies; diagnostics; pharmacology…). At the moment, the database counts around six hundred bioimages of various types (Microscopy, Histopathology, Traditional Radiology). Every bio image is assigned a title and followed by a comment, within which are the key words aimed at facilitating research and comprehension.
  • Module 2. Online sharing of bioimages entered and catalogued as well as videos and documents of particularly interesting cases, on which potential cooperative discussions can be launched. The service permits furthermore the divulging and publication via web of events organised by the association (e.g. workshops). To date this functionality is limited only to "authorised personnel". In future, though, it will be extended to users to whom full use will be guaranteed through the help of modern apps developed for mobile operating systems (e.g. Android, Windows mobile…) and common networking tools (forums, boards…) suitable for promoting easy interaction in the various discussions and online learning.
  • Module 3 of e-learning and FAD. This service, still in the development phase, provides for the possibility of developing and managing, through making an e-learning platform available that conforms to international technological standards, interesting training courses with a view to continuing education in medicine (CEM) aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge, abilities and useful attitudes for competent and expert practice in the sector. In particular, accredited online courses will be activated for students. For each course an entrance test, training modules, a final test and, following, the relevant certification are provided.


presentation of the project (italian version pptx)


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