Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


TeSS - Tecnologie a Supporto della Sanita

Code PON04a3_00424

The objective of the TeSS project is the development of an integrated system for the optimisation of resources in theCalabrian health sector.

The objective of TeSS is to develop an innovative system, a Decision Support System, of support for decisions of health management in carrying out the best decisions related to:

  • Location and integration of hospital products;
  • Management of centres for distribution and storage of health supplies

Given the complexity of the management of the health system, it is fundamental to make decisions for management in the most efficient way in a real system, and to provide a scientific basis for seeking to analyse even very complex situations through useful information to predict and improve the behaviour of a certain situation placed under observation.

TeSS focuses on offering a system of optimisation of the health resources in Calabria with the use of technology. The novelty is in treating such decisional problems through scientific tools, in mathematical cases, using technology, methods and models which are appropriate to the industrial sectors already consolidated and reapplying them with awareness of the situation in the health sector.

The functionality of the system will guarantee:

  • Optimum dislocation of resources: automatic distribution of products in the territory concerned in relation to previously established parameters and objectives; determination of wards to be activated and relevant beds
  • Continuous monitoring and reduction of waste: management of supplies in hospital pharmacies and ward pharmacies; management of drug flow between central pharmacy and wards.

It focuses on offering a substantial contribution to the demands of the citizen initially and of the whole territory.

The main aim is to provide citizens with a more effective and efficient service in the complex and fundamental field of Health.

The TeSS project has an expected duration of 27 months (from 01/10/2012 to 31/12/2014) and its development envisages the carrying out of 7 actions, defined aswork packages(WP).

WP1: Analysis of context, collection and treatment of data. This phase has the objective of evaluating the territory concerned and collecting demographic, geographic and health data.

Duration: 4 months

WP2: Definition of the mathematical programming model for the representation of the problem of the location and integration of hospital products;

Duration: 8 months

WP3: Definition of mathematical techniques for the integrated representation of the problem of the location and management of centres of distribution and storage of health supplies;

Duration: 8 months

WP4: Validation of models. The objective of WP4 is to conduct a careful experimental analysis of the services of the models developed, in terms of robustness and efficiency.

Duration: 7 months

WP5: Planning of the basic information system. In this phase the software development group will proceed to the analysis and planning of a user-friendly dashboard which will allow the general user to use the mathematical models developed and validated in the preceding phases.

Duration: 10 months

WP6: Development of the prototype. This action envisages the real development of the software dashboard.

Duration: 8 months

WP7: Test and validation. An articulated testing phase will be carried out on the dashboard with the aim of highlighting and resolving potential system bugs.

Duration: 6 months

To date, the activities concluded concern WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.

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