Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


SANITa A.ppI.L. - Arte, Innovazione e Lavoro

Code PON04a3_00409

"SmartRioneSanità" was born with the objective of enhancing the cultural patrimony, material and immaterial, of the Rione Sanità, the historical quarter of the city of Naples. The project is part of a process of enhancement of the historical-artistic resources of Rione Sanità by placing culture, beauty and humanity at the centre of development. The tools to be used are, of course, those tied to the use of new media and technologies not much used at the local level, with particular attention to the capacity for involvement of resident citizens. Thanks to the participatory logic of web 2.0, the possibilities increase for visitors and citizens to participate directly in cultural production, transforming the traditional approach of "users" and amplifying the importance of the emotive aspects, of socialisation and of sharing tied to the enjoyment of a cultural product.


  1. Creation of a product for innovative visiting/use of the Catacombs of St Gennaro -based on an experiential route (visual/sensory). The intervention will consist of the realisation of a site-specific multimedia show, with no structural impact, made of light and movement, sound and noise, pixels and mapping technology, in which the atmosphere of the Catacombs will assume new faces and features: the walls, the al frescos, the ambulacra will come to life, decomposing and recomposing themselves. Structures of light, sound, three-dimensional objects and virtual breaches will emerge to represent the memory of the Rione.
  2. The second action of the project concerns the development of an iPhone/iPad/Android application, "SMART RIONE SANITÀ" which allows the tourist to visualise cultural tourism itineraries emphasising and integrating all the cultural, economic and social resources of the quarter, based on four criteria: location, time available, cultural and personal profile, and accumulated tourist knowledge. The application will have developed software which places no longer the artistic history, but rather the traveller, at the centre, in research on the use of mobile technologies applied to tourism.
  3. Creation of new instruments of "participatory sharing" with the aim of imagining new ways to enhance and use cultural patrimony: a laboratory will be realised supported by a civic platform based on the experience gained by the Ahref Foundation in the field of civic media. The Digital Storytelling Laboratory of the Rione Sanità, Netizen Lab, is a path to education in civic journalism: not only the ability to "tell the news", but activities and actions to contribute and actively participate in one's own community. Young aspiring journalists will manage the Rione platform through which they will stimulate the participation of citizens, carrying out the role of mediator through instances of individuals and institutions called to resolve the issues facing the community.
  4. Creation of an Urban Screen - an atmosphere of interaction and information that is mobile and ubiquitous - through which citizens can spread information and communication relevant to the territory in real time.

Regarding the activities carried out up to 31/07/2014 the actions undertaken had as their first objective the completion of the contractualisation of the tasks in activation. Great attention was dedicated to the planning and implementation of the activities tied to Action 1, specifically to the upgrade of the sites, to the rental of equipment and to the creation of artistic content, with the aim of guaranteeing the feasibility of the entire action. The same was done for action 2. The objective was, as well as the signing of supply contracts, the sharing and acceptance of designs for the usability of the application which will permit the partners to proceed independently to the software implementation.

Actions 1,2,3 were completely entrusted with regular supply contracts. Only Action 4 remains to be contractualised, even though the supplier is a partner of the project, and we preferred to do it in September, trusting, however, that the time plan be respected for the relevant activities.

Detailed state of progress of project activities at 31/07/2014 (italian version pdf)

Press release:


The Catacombs of San Gennaro light up with the multimedia show "The lights inside"


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