Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


SMART AGING: un approccio innovativo basato sulla tecnologia dei Serious Games alla diagnosi precoce di disturbi cognitivi brevi ed al self training

Code PON04a3_00372

Results to date: 08/09/2014

The "SMART AGEING" project is based mainly on the interaction of three essential elements, namely prevention, screening and early diagnosis and on an innovative tool, Serious Games, virtual electronic games capable of setting up specific highly tailorable rehabilitative treatment on single types of cognitive deficit of the patient (memory, attention, logical capacity, executive capacity, etc.).

This therapeutic approach, accessible telematically, encourages real life transfer (home, workplace, etc.) allowing ease of monitoring, control and documentation of the treatment effects.

The software platform of Serious Games makes use of the recreational profile with the aim of finding a greater level of involvement and stimulation of the user, representing an innovative approach under the social and health profile, also concerning economic sustainability within the Health System.

The experimental design of this research envisages the administration of traditional tests for the evaluation of cognitive function which concerns memory, reasoning capacity, attention and language, and subsequently Serious Games, which evaluate the same functions envisaged for the traditional tests. The final objective is to define an innovative model effective in the prevention and treatment of dementia.

The project will be tested on a vast scale in the Convergence Regions involving around 1200 subjects.

The main innovation of the project derives from the possibility of using one tool validated initially by the scientific institutions involved in the project (Mondino, UniCz) and thereafter dispersible to the territorial and specialist Health Structures of the Calabria Region for the diagnosis of cognitive deficit, filling thus a gap existing today. This could lead to transfer to other regions, allowing the reduction of subsequent hospitalisation and rendering contact permanent between elderly people at the domestic level and territorial healthcare professionals appointed at the regional level, through a network which would involve specialist structures at the extra-regional level.

Project presentation (italian version .pptx)

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