Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Progetto RisorgiMenti Lab. Sviluppo e Sperimentazione di Piattaforme e Progetti di Innovazione Sociale.

Code PON04a3_00345

Results to date: 09/02/2015

RisorgiMenti.Lab is a complex project in architecture but simple and intuitive in application. It proposes a local development model from the bottom up which stimulates social inclusion, active citizenship and participatory democracy, environmental sustainability, school, culture and creativity, and social economy. Activating local pride, encouraging proactive citizens, reinforcing long and short collaboration networks are the main interests animating all the research activities of RisorgiMenti.Lab. The modes of involvement chosen privilege approaches which try to respond to unresolved problems and unsatisfied needs starting with the inclusion of population categories thus far excluded and filling the gap between the birth of an idea and its realisation. Action in the fields identified is enriched by innovative technological tools which simplify its planning and development. The route which develops each time in various territorial contexts begins with a participant observation phase of the life of the community, which might be a country, a city, a suburb, a university, a school, places for socialising and interpersonal exchanges, ideal dimensions to practise the forms and methods of Social Innovation. To innovate the ordinary and improve citizen wellbeing. The necessity of finding economic, human and material resources for the development of socially innovative projects can be satisfied through the use of alternative economic practices which rely on the reciprocal exchange of goods (trade), the sharing of skills (timebank) with collective contribution (crowdfunding). Unused public and private goods are identified, catalogued, located and made available to the collective for the shared planning of practices which recover functionality and innovation at the structural and content level. Ideas, the driving force of the project, stimulated, identified and selected through idea competitions, activate collective reflection on innovative solutions to community problems. There is no project that is not concretely tested in the territories, the main areas in which we are working are Reventino, Grecanica, the university campus of Arcavacata, and the urban areas of Cosenza Rende, Reggio Calabria, Crotone and Catanzaro. RisorgiMenti.Lab collects ideas and intuitions from the researchers who developed it and from people who want to contribute actively to the construction of a new vision of a renewed Calabria which has the will to deliver itself from the negative stigma which oppresses it.

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