Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


SPH3RA - Smart Paestum Heritage: 3D Reconstruction of Antiquity

Code PON04a3_00199

Results to date: 21/05/2014


As its general objective, the project SPH3RA seeks to promote the development of ICT applications directed towards the digital conservation, distribution, disclosure, and sustainability of the architectural patrimony of the archaeological site of Paestum (SA).

The current site presents several archaeological signs subject to degradation and commends immense cultural patrimony which for lack of opportune cataloguing is perceived by visitors in a fragmented and complex way. As a result, the architecture of the site does not lend itself to adequate comprehension by visitors, who struggle to appreciate both the structural complexity of the buildings and the relationships between the buildings and the community of the past, of which they should remain an expression. Furthermore, the lack of use of adequate tools of communication and computer support reflects negatively on the flows of tourism towards the ruins of Paestum, resulting in tourists prioritising other sites and visiting less and less.

The project is carried out following both a methodological and an applicative route, with continual interdisciplinary connections and verifications, both in relation to the definition of content, and in the identification of the tools capable of confronting cultural, semantic, and procedural aspects in an interoperable way.

The objectives of the project concern specifically the sustainability of the archaeological patrimony of Paestum, the achievement of a superior awareness of the cultural patrimony of the archaeological site, and the evaluation of ICT through its application to all fields: from archiving, to consultation, to automatic generation of information, to interactive navigation, up to popular disclosure through the most common mobile supports, including tablets and smartphones.



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