Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


NAnoMAteriali per l'edilizia SosTEnibile (NAMASTE)

Code PON04a3_00107

The scope of the NAMASTE (NAno MAterials for SusTainablE building) project is the development of high-performance insulating materials for the improvement, through simple interventions, of the energy efficiency of property patrimony. In particular, new rigid polyurethane foam containing nanoparticles will be developed, with improved mechanical and insulating properties.

The technological idea is aimed at a solution to energy issues in property patrimony, which is typically characterised in the built-up urban areas of the southern regions by insufficient attention to the insulating properties of the materials used, and therefore limited energy efficiency. The project forms part of the field of "good practices" attributable to ecological and sustainable building, which are spreading successfully to other areas of the country and abroad.

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