Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Smart Energy Master per il governo energetico del territorio - SINERGREEN - RES NOVAE

Code PON04a2_E

Results to date: 09/02/2015

The project includes research activity on systems of production and management of energy, on distribution networks and storage on a local scale:

  • A first field tests a system of management of energy flows at the municipal level, to reduce energy costs, enhance multi-generation from renewable sources, contain the environmental impact and increase energy-environment awareness in every player in the community. 
  • A second field realises a system of monitoring, of decisional support, of management and planning of production/consumption of energy and other resources (water and gas) in normal and crisis or emergency conditions. In parallel, it proposes tools to manage with greater efficiency the critical infrastructure (electrical, hydro and gas networks) which, while being interdependent, are today managed not in a systematic and aggregated way.
  • A third module proposes the development of systems and models of predictive analysis on consumption, aimed at the energy efficiency of public buildings with high humanisation and the monitoring of the energy use of the territory.

The integrated S.R.S project has the general aim of deepening the numerous aspects tied to the transformation of the model of provision and management of energy resources. The main objectives are: the increase of energy efficiency, the reduction of gas emissions, the distribution of new added value services and the comprehensive improvement of quality of life.

The sub-systems (SINERGREEN-RES NOVAE-SEM) foresee testing on different local systems: the first involves the Municipality of Catania, on public buildings, industrial sites and rural areas; the second finds application in two densely populated urban areas of the cities of Cosenza and Bari; the third will be tested in the province of Benevento, Caserta and in the municipality of Eboli. The integration of the three sub-systems focuses on researching, modelling and testing on a demonstrative scale a complex and dynamic system of advanced management of energy flows at the municipal and metropolitan level, based on the integration of technologies in the energy and information field with the aim of reducing energy costs, enhancing the use of energy from renewable sources and containing the environmental impact.

Regarding the first results achieved:

SINERGREEN - COMPONENT A: SINERGRID  -architecture definition of Smart Mobility, Smart Communication and SIB. In the course of architecture study of the module ESM&DSM big data and learning machine techniques. Design of the first prototype activities on M2M, energy monitoring and SIB

COMPONENT B: SMARTGREEN- studies on use of solar energy, dynamics of Stirling motor. Configuration of components of the system, collection of parameters for analysis and evaluation of system performance. Check of materials to employ and check of foreseeable reliability at mathematical level. Regarding the training module the envisaged training activities are pursued and from the month of April 2014 the launch of the university Master course.

RES NOVAE - SMART GRIDS: ENEL Skills Centre realised for analysis of LV network models.

SMART DISTRICT: defined the BEMS hardware/software platform and planned the architecture of the Energy and Service Hub and the data collection component.

URBAN CONTROL CENTRE: completed the indicator control panel, analysis of business intelligence and in the course of realising the energy registry.

DEMO BARI: Identified the Showroom D and Urban Control Centre realisation locations.

DEMO COSENZA: Concluded the Urban Lab CreaCosenza Meta-project with the realisation of a "Smart Street 3D model"

TRAINING: issued from UNICAL the band of enrolment for the Refinement Courses ad activated by POLIBA four Research Doctorate programmes


"Smart Energy Master - For the energy governance of the territory" (SEM) is the project of the University of Naples Federico II (Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering) which confronts the issues of the efficiency and saving of energy. The entire SEM project is developed together with four partners: Atos (Leader), Energent Beta 80 and ENEA.

The SEM Project is aimed at implementing a model of governance of the energy saving and efficiency of the territory, with reference both to the urban areas and to complex buildings with high "humanisation". SEM proposes to promote technical skills and virtuous behaviours among technicians, professionals, inhabitants and users of the city.

The objective of SEM is to put in place and propose good practices and integrated solutions, oriented towards energy saving and efficiency which link the characteristics of the city, urban activities, mobility, environmental sustainability and the behaviour of inhabitants.

The activities carried out by the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II in the field of the SEM project are articulated in four categories: Research, Experimental Development, Distribution and Education.

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