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  • VIRTUALAB: Advanced Mechatronic Biomedical Systems of Diagnosis and Medical Treatment based on Virtual and Heightened Reality, Micro-electronics, and roboticised high-throughput Laboratories.

Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


VIRTUALAB: Sistemi Avanzati di Meccatronica Biomedicale di Diagnosi e Terapia Medica basati su Realtà Virtuale e Aumentata, Microelettronica, e su Laboratori robotizzati ad elevato throughput.

Code PON01_01297

Results to date: 22/05/2014


This project focuses on studying and developing biomedical technologies in the sectors of minimally invasive radiological intervention and biomolecular diagnosis.

The project has two principal objectives: the first objective has the aim of creating clinical intervention systems based on percutaneous navigation techniques and making use of TAC (or RM) and Ecographic fusion imaging techniques, which would permit the implementation of minimally invasive intervention techniques capable of reaching pathologically significant lesions with maximum precision, reduced time and reduced costs. The advantages for the patient are the possibility of diagnosis and intervention on even very small lesions, i.e. pathologies in the early stages, with increased possibility of total recovery.

The second objective is the creation of roboticised technology for the creation of biotech high-throughput laboratories, i.e. capable of carrying out a high number of analyses in a determined period with high reliability, reproducibility and continuity. Typically these are analyses which adhere to the diagnostic area of the DNA, but the technology studied can easily be adapted to a wide range of biotech protocols. Other important objectives of the project are the study of multifunctional intervention needles for the diagnosis and treatment of encephalic pathologies, sensorial stimulators able to be controlled even remotely, suitable to rehabilitative processes, and roboticised precision systems for the guiding of multifunctional needles in trajectories towards profound encephalic lesions.



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