Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


L' Ingegneria dei Servizi Internet-Based per lo sviluppo strutturale di un territorio 'intelligente'_PUGLIA@SERVICE

Code PON02_00563_3489339

The research projectPuglia@Servicehas the objective of conceiving, developing and putting in place a strategic, organisational and technological intervention in the context of the so-calledFuture Internet, aimed at innovation in services for the "sustainable knowledge society" and enabling the transition of the Apulian regional territory to a model of "smart territory".

The project intervention will lead to the comprehension of new trends in competitiveness and the declination of the concept of innovation in services, aspiring to the principles of open and user-driven collaboration and innovation typical of Living Labs. The intervention will, furthermore, encourage the creation of interdisciplinary skills profiles of " entrepreneur innovator engineers " for the management and social and economic evaluation of services innovation.

The result ofPuglia@Servicewill have the function of integrator and animator of the system-agency, encouraging the aggregation of the actors and realised through the following results:

  • Environment for co-creation of the service which will allow providers and users to define and identify collaboratively the necessity of new services and improve the level of quality and social impact of the expected service.
  • Integrated environment to support Services Engineering will provide the methodological and technological bases to develop concrete services from mock-ups and scenarios defined in the co-creation phase, allowing the creation of cross-platform services and applications.
  • Pervasive technological Puglia@Service infrastructure which will allow the environment of execution of the services and become the nervous system for the smart territory.

The effectiveness of the proposed model and its response to the structural need for change expressed by the region of Puglia will find a valid field of application within the context of the Public Administration of Integrated Tourism.


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