eJRM project aims to create, implement and experiment new, completely virtual modes to manage relationships between the Citizen and the “justice system”. In particular eJRM propose the ideation and demonstration of an ICT platform dedicated to judicial domain as enabling element to achieve the following, radical process innovations:
¿ On-Line Trial: on line complete management of activities connected with the development of some judicial litigation categories;
¿ Self-Litigation: capability for a Citizen to classify (Case Discovery), formalise (Case Definition) and resolve (Case Resolution) autonomously a case, without the intervention of personnel with juridical competences.
In eJRM document physical exchanges, verbal interaction, joint meetings are represented in the form of relationship among the various actors. They are supported by software tools designed and implemented to be secure, traceable, user-friendly, vertical in the application area, integrated and integrable with the existing legacy applications, capable to support and simplify resolution of cases filed by petitioners. This approach makes possible the achievement of the first objective, demonstrating the transportability and the feasibility of workflows typical of some juridical activities into a virtual environment. Second objective, to a certain extent more ambitious than the first one, aims to demonstrate how high added value ICT tools (knowledge based) and the increasing end user’s informatic skills can constitute an additional element of fairness and transparency of the “Justice System” and an effective opportunity to modulate the so called justice demand. In particular, the platform for relationship management creates new opportunities for the Citizen, such as for example the capability to personally evaluate his/her own situation, to be guided in a modality for a non-conflict settlement or to be assisted in selecting the correct legal support, to have the possibility to better understand and be aware of both of his/her own rights and of the Justice System globally. The project acts on some important levers – reduction of the litigation request number; increase of number and integration levels in the range of ICT technologies supporting judicial litigations; reduction of access barrier to the “Justice System”, today mostly due to complexity of formal fulfilments – for removal of some of the many bottlenecks that today still obstacle the transition from a “19th century paper and stamp based Administration” to a “21st century digitalised and de-bureaucratised Administration”. Applicability and effectiveness of the implemented system will be evaluated through a practical demonstration of the research prototypes implemented for real litigation resolution in Civil and/or Criminal and/or Private Settlement. Effectiveness and applicability evaluation of implemented solution will be performed by the end-users themselves: magistrates, judicial clerks, barristers, IT managers, applying users. The project is organised into seven Work Packages: OR1- Requirements analysis; OR2- System analysis and design; OR3- Analysis of cases, interactions and domains; OR4- User interactions and collaborative instruments; OR5 – Computational and reasoning models; OR6 – Relations management platform; OR7 – Demonstration and validation. Main research areas include: Knowledge Management in its various meanings: Knowledge Retrieval, Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Extraction, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Reasoning, Knowledge Sharing; Human Computer Interaction; Collaboration Platform; Social Learning; Personalized Learning; Computer Simulation e Semantic Web.
Advancement of distribution in %
Total amount distributed
3,783,192.04 euro
NOP R&C distributed amount
3,298,030.33 euro
PAC distributed amount
0.00 euro
Amount distributed with other funds 485,161.71 euro