Operating Expenses

Operating Expenses - Axis III MIUR

Table with the detail of operating expenses for the MIUR (Axis III - amounts in euro).


MIUR  Quota  Commitments  (*)

Certified expenditure  (**)

82.000.000 70.983.979 28.070.471


Action MIUR  Quota  Type Commitments Certified expenditure
ACTION III.1.1 - Technical Assistance, management and auditing  67.341.000,00  AT Contract 31.480.500 16.078.750
AT Contract extension 6.296.100 3.869.571
AT Contract extension 14.274.975 2.241.525
Cilea-CINECA agreement (NOP quota) 3.000.000 -
UCFC contracts - closing NOP 2000-2006 782.856 782.856
CILEA agreement + I Addendum + II Addendum 2.292.835 2.292.825

Enhancement of UOCIL and UCAT

Ist decree + II decree 

+ other expenses for auditing

710.813 699.158
AT at UVER +decree 3.718.225 467.428
Expenses management and supervision 329.363 286.212
ACTION III.1.1 - Technical Assistance, management and auditing 62.885.666 26.718.325
ACTION III.2.1 - Assessment 5.000.000,00 E&Y- Self-assessment NOP R&C 139.774 27.955
ISMERI contract (human capital) 110.171 -
ACTION III.2.1 - Assessment 393.934 27.955
ACTION III.2.2 - Information and Advertising 9.659.000,00 Purchas of gods & services for Information and Advertising (SERVICES IP) 1.705.489 1.082.191
Contract for communication announcement 4.998.889 -
Contract for NOP R&C website 1.000.000 242.000
 ACTION III.2.2 - Information and Advertising 7.704.378 1.324.191

(*) The committed value corresponds to the monitoring figure updated to the 6th 2-month period 2012 validated by IGRUE (validation on 31 January 2013).

(**)The certified value corresponds to the payment application sent on 19/12/2012 by the Certification Authority through the IGRUE financial system, to be forwarded subsequently to the European Commission.


Last Updated: : 17/04/2013
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