With the signature of Directorate Decree No. 567/Ric. of 21 September 2012 MIUR started up the Programme "Messengers of Knowledge", which has the aim of undertaking innovative didactic projects proposed by researchers and experts affiliated with universities and recognised non-Italian research centres, for the Departments identified in the universities in the Convergence regions (Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily).
The following were invited to submit their proposals:
Areas of interest of the didactic projects
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Financial resources
For the implementation of the Programme, MIUR has allocated financial resources totalling 5.3 million euro from the Cohesion Action Plan (CAP). There have been 141 applications from Departments, while 350 didactic projects have been proposed.
At the end of the evaluation process, the number of projects funded was 113.
The allowed cost for the projects selected and the cost approved for the Departments totalled € 4,171,481.60 in coherence with the evaluation decisions made by the Selection Committee, taking into account the overall resources available.